How to Staff a Pop-Up Event In Las Vegas
“Here today, gone tomorrow…” This adage is the very essence of a pop-up event. Pop-up events are creative and fun, but their success can live and die by the quality and attitude of the people staffing them. This considered, it’s important to find the best people to work your pop-up event.
Let’s chat specifically about how to staff a pop-up event in Las Vegas.
What is a Pop-Up Event?
First, what is a pop-up event? A pop-up event is defined as a temporary event “hosted in unique venues ranging from temporary fixtures in open public spaces to unused retail space.” These events typically last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.
Because the use of short-term rentals is increasing, pop-up events now have the opportunity to grow within the events sector.
(Plus, due to the pandemic, the US, UK, and France saw a 125 percent increase in available retail space listed between June to August in 2020, according to research by Appear Here. AKA… The perfect breeding ground for more similar events!)
Examples of awesome pop-up events include:
- This take-out only restaurant pop-up in Finland called TakeIn
- A Nike pop-up that displayed gold-dipped Jordans during the NBA All-Star weekend in New Orleans
- Solve’s internship interview pop-up
How to Staff a Pop-Up Event
Here are four tips on how to staff a pop-up event in Las Vegas! (Although these tips could likely apply to an event anywhere in the world; not just Sin City).
Create a Killer (and Honest!) Job Description
Crafting a job description, it’s the first step any employer takes when they have an open position to fill. When it comes to your event, your job description should be appealing and honest. Make sure to include:
- Job title and responsibilities
- Location (Viva Las Vegas!)
- Any required qualifications
- Working conditions
- Compensation
Moreover, your job description should showcase your brand values and voice. Why? Well, the people you hire to work your pop-up event will be representing your brand—therefore, it’s important they identify with its culture from the start.
Identify Who Makes a Good Applicant
After you’ve got your job description squared away, consider who might make a good applicant. (PS: If your description is killer, chances are you’ll have a large pool of applicants to choose from!)
Here are some questions to consider when identifying a good candidate vs. maybe a not-so-good candidate:
- Is this applicant excited about the opportunity?
- Does this applicant align with our brand and the products we’ll be showcasing?
- Does this applicant have any references or similar work experience?
- And of course, is this applicant able to be in Las Vegas for the event?
Know Where to Look for Top Talent
So, where should you look to source staff for your pop-up event?
- Your inner circle (Think: Friends and family!)
- Previous employees and people you’ve hired or worked with
- Staffing agencies (like us, 360x Events and Promotions!)
Make Sure Your Staff Receives Proper Training
Proper training is key to successfully staffing your next pop-up event. Although training will vary depending on the specifics of each event, it might be helpful to relay the following information.
- Your Brand Story: What is the reason behind this pop-up anyway? Why should your workers care?
- Goals and Deliverables: What are your workers expected to accomplish? This includes explaining how you want customers to feel when they come into your pop-up. What experience do you want to provide?
- Brand and Product Information: Your workers should be ready to answer any and all questions regarding your event, brand, and product.
- General Housekeeping: Expectations on event cleanliness, clocking in and out, and other technicalities.

Looking For Talent to Staff Your Next Pop-Up Event?
Are you looking to staff your own pop-up? Pop-ups are a great, fun way to increase brand and product awareness while also generating excitement and buzz. Let’s get people talkin’!
At 360x, we are your one-stop-shop for talent procurement and event support. We are nationwide experts in sourcing live performers, brand ambassadors, promotional talent, actors, models, mascots, field managers, DJs, spokesmodels, Comic-Con specialists, and even influencers! Get in touch today.